True North provides a safe environment where at risk youth and their families come for training in life skills and spiritual awareness in an equine setting. This includes, but is not limited to, children who struggle with depression, autism, foster/adopted, ADD, ADHD, self-harm, bullied, addiction, sexual abuse, incarcerated parents, eating disorders, truancy, and other similar society issues. We instruct our students through an eight-week program covering the following character qualities: relationship building; teamwork and leadership; respect; patience, perseverance and strength; focus; communication; critical thinking, decision making, discernment, and conflict resolution; and trust. Byproducts of these character qualities are values such as honesty, gaining control, confidence, empathy, compassion, love, gratitude, forgiveness, grace, humility, contentment and care. Individual lessons plans are uniquely designed based on the needs of each young person. Each lesson is planned to connect the horse and student. It is our desire to bring hope to those in need..